Character Speaks Loudest-- Estera Marian
Who we are weighs more than what we say.
Up until my early twenties, I leaned towards thinking that people and their words were knit together. It wasn’t because I didn’t struggle to live up to what I said but I had a sincere desire to allow God to empower me to live everything He was teaching me, which poured out into what I spoke about. We all struggle to practice what we preach and God knows that, but He also wants us to be people of true character.
Beyond the things we say and do, we are called to always examine the genuineness of our hearts. It is more important to God that we become more like Jesus than accomplishing a million things for Him. Most people applaud shallowness and worldliness and we cannot let their applause dictate our worth. God’s standard for measuring our spiritual weight is the very opposite of the world’s. He places the highest importance on self-denial and requires it of all of His followers. God wants to refine us so we can better reflect the purity and humility of Jesus. Our Father knows that we can sometimes be blinded to our hypocrisy, doing and speaking the very opposite of who we are in our deepest being. Yet, if we seek God’s face consistently, He will never fail to reveal to us the truth about our hearts. As we cry out to God in sincere repentance, He will always be faithful to help us change the intentions of our heart. It is his very desire that we walk in close and honest communion with Him, telling Him even the darkest secrets of our soul as the Holy Spirit gently reveals to us the condition of our heart.
Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy. Proverbs 28:13 ESV
It’s not easy to keep your character pure in the times in which we live and it never has been. Our society encourages us to focus on self now more than ever. We are reminded daily that we need to cultivate a perfect exterior- be it the perfect body, or house, or Facebook page. It wants us to focus all of our time and energy into doing so because it is obsessed with self-promotion. If we follow the pattern of the world, we will overlook the things that really matter in the Christian life.
For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. 1 John 2:16 ESV
Dear soul, I am not writing this to pass judgement on you. I know this verse can seem harsh because of how little Truth is really taught today. I also know how hard it is to be different when even church “culture” seems to overlap more and more with the world’s. It is a fierce and constant battle to stay true to such a high calling as was bestowed on each one of us but my prayer is that you will receive the truth of the Word of God and allow it to become the standard by which you govern the deepest aspects of your life. You are not alone in this fight!
This Blog is written and published by Estera Marian from Our Sister in Christ From Across the pond. Read more or listen to her podcast at