God's Gospel Way of Salvation
We know that the promised destiny of every Christ-lover is to walk with Him forever in heaven, where we shall never again feel in our hearts the slightest suggestion of being separated from our great High Priest. Those of us who have walked longest and closest with Christ in this life have already begun to taste of this fountain of ever-increasing joy.
While yet in this life, God is making us fit for this forever-walking with Christ. As Christ-lovers, we are being saved in this life in a very unique way. It revolves around this concept of being "in Christ". All my life I never noticed this phrase or took it for granted or just plain didn't understand it, thinking it as overly-spiritual lingo. But in this last week, God has given me more understanding and joy in experiencing this wonderful reality.
One very important implication of our being in Christ is that we are no more trying to "establish our own righteousness". Romans 10:4. This particularly was comforting and reviving for me. Yet when we read the characteristics of this who have been united to Christ: to bear fruit, more fruit, and much fruit (John 15); it's easy to slip back into that old mindset of "establishing our own righteousness". So what does progress in the gospel way of salvation feel like from the inside (because Romans 10:4 can't be wrong!)?
Whatever it is, may God, in His kindness, continue to show us the huge chasm between salvation through the law and salvation through the gospel.