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After Paul warns the saints in Colossae about "empty deception" and things which have, "to be sure, the appearance of wisdom", he goes on to describe God's hidden wisdom, Christ Himself.

Col 3:1. God raises us up with Christ and seats us with Him on the throne on heaven. Nothing less than this can truly solve man's problem with sin. Indeed all man can try to do is "of no value against fleshly indulgence."

Now with Christ and in Christ, we are in a position for God to "renew us unto a true knowledge".

Notice that God is the one doing the renewing, not us. We can renew ourselves as surely as we can re-create ourselves in Christ.

What is the goal of God's renewing us in Christ? What is God up to?

Paul says that God is renewing us "unto a true knowledge of Christ" Col 2:10,2.

This hints back to Paul's prayer in chapter 1 for the saints in Colossae that God would "fill them with the knowledge of His will", and that they would "bear fruit in every good work and increase in the knowledge of God".

Isn't it fascinating that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in Christ?

And isn't it quite revealing that whatever "wisdom" that cannot be found in Christ is no wisdom at all?

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