What are you hoping for?
Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ Himself speaks commendably of the Colossians saints --whom he had never visited in person (see Col 1:7, 2:1)-- of their "faith in Christ Jesus" and the "love which they have for all the saints". But what produced such wonderful and pleasing fruit that he "with them in spirit rejoiced to see their good discipline and stability of faith in Christ"? Col 2:5. What would you say? Paul says clearly in Col 1:5, "because of the hope laid up for you in the heavens, of which you previously heard in the word of truth, the gospel". What is the exact hope that Paul may be referring to?
Let's do some detective work in the book of Colossians.
Paul uses the phrase the "hope of the gospel" Col 1:23.
Paul uses the phrase the "hope of glory" in Col 1:27, in the following context: "God willed to make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory". Another clue to this puzzle.
Paul uses the idea of glory also in Col 3:1 "When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory".
He also uses the concepts of a "prize", "reward of the inheritance from the Lord", and the saints' inheritance in Light". Some more clues.
Maybe another clue is: "things which are a mere shadow of what is to come, but the substance belongs to Christ". What is "to come"? These are some of the things that Paul mentioned in passing in his letter to them, and he expected the Colossians saints to know these very well, even though he had never personally preached there!
Another (frightening) clue is: "the wrath of God will come".
Whatever this exact "hope in the heavens": it is so powerful that the (hope of the) gospel "constantly bears fruit and is increasing in you since the day you heard" Col 1:6.