Just as the Lord Forgave You.
Are you choosing not to forgive someone right now? Do you want to be free of bitterness in your heart? We have all complained against...
After Paul warns the saints in Colossae about "empty deception" and things which have, "to be sure, the appearance of wisdom", he goes on...
Love is... the Perfect Bond of Unity.
As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are to truly love one another. We see this commandment over and over again in the words that...
What are you hoping for?
Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ Himself speaks commendably of the Colossians saints --whom he had never visited in person (see Col 1:7,...
Overflow with Gratitude
"Therefore as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established...
Learning to Suffer well..
Maybe one of the worst crosses we may have to endure on this side of glory is: the Father hiding his face; the sweet psalmist of Israel...
How to Pray At All Times!
The Lord Jesus prays to His Father multiple times throughout the gospels. He instructs His disciples how to pray. Prayer is our...
The house not build on the rock.
We all know and have heard of the verses from Matthew chapter seven. You know the verses I'm talking about. Build your house like the...
Mature in Christ?
Reflecting on my own journey in faith in Christ, I am beginning to see that I am not very mature in Christ. Sure I accepted Christ and...
Being Joyful in the LORD
At our fellowship this evening, we discussed as a group what being joyful in the Lord means to us. We each shared a few thoughts. Before...