Do You Let Your Soul Breathe?-- Estera Marian
Prayer is oxygen for the soul. Try holding your breath for a minute. How do you feel after that? Keep in mind that was only one minute,...
Our Stability In A Shakey World--Estera Marian
Knowing where to turn. 2020 was a hard year for all of us in so many ways. The pandemic is something we never anticipated and the events...
More Than Just Reading-- Estera Marian
Approaching the Bible with our heart. There are so many different kinds of Bibles out there. Sometimes, we buy one just because it looks...
Surviving Defeat-- Estera Marian
Finding the way out of despair. Depression is a word that carries so much in its meaning. It’s something some people fear because they...
Hidden-- Estera Marian
A story of what takes place in the heart. The sun shines warmly through the trees. It is so quiet yet so foreign. It seems like forever...
Holy Week-- Estera Marian
Cherishing the events of Jesus’s last days on earth. Jesus’s entire life was an extraordinary life. Yet, this week holds a holy...
Character Speaks Loudest-- Estera Marian
Who we are weighs more than what we say. Up until my early twenties, I leaned towards thinking that people and their words were knit...
Revival Starts With Me-- Estera Marian
The undeniable relationship between our prayer and God’s manifestation. I have often desired for God to work mightily in my church. This...
Stay Faithful, No Matter The Cost-- (Estera Marian)
Pain always has a purpose. The life of Joseph in the Old Testament stands to us as a testimony of God’s incredible ways of working in...
God's Gospel Way of Salvation
We know that the promised destiny of every Christ-lover is to walk with Him forever in heaven, where we shall never again feel in our...